ambassador program

The ambassador program is powered by volunteers who donate their time to assist the Tulare Kings Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (TKHCC) in many different events and activities. An ambassador will normally serve 12 months and can continue to be an ambassador if both the ambassador and the TKHCC agree to renew their volunteer service. An ambassador will get the opportunity to network with other business owners and chambers of commerce within California’s central valley.

Ambassador CHAIRs

Hanford Ambassador


Porterville Ambassador

Rogelio Caudillo – General Manager at Eastern Tule Groundwater Sustainability

Visalia Ambassador

Naomi Belcher–  Get Insurance Pros

Ashley Gibson – West Cost Educators Financial Inc.

Through its network of Hispanic chambers and business association, the TKHCC represents the interest of over 10,000 Hispanic businesses around Tulare county.

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Tulare Kings Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
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