Valley CERF (Community Economic Resilience Fund)

Ensuring an inclusive process that centers disinvested community and nontraditional voices is key to the Valley CERF process. With input from local kick-off meetings, focused stakeholder outreach, and hundreds of follow up discussions with community leaders, the Valley CERF coalition built its Collaborative Governance Structure and overall Outreach and Engagement plan. The plan include its own “Principles of Community Engagement” such as (1) community engagement “first and throughout” the planning process; (2) resourcing trusted community partners to lead resident engagement; and (3) adopting the International Association for Public Participation’s “Transformative Community Engagement” framework pictured below.

Through its network of Hispanic chambers and business association, the TKHCC represents the interest of over 10,000 Hispanic businesses around Tulare county.

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Tulare Kings Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
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